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Get Ready! Our new Call for Applications is launching soon!
Aqua for All partners with SDC to catalyse private capital for the water sector
Scaling Climate-Resilient WASH
Scaling Climate-Resilient WASH We have launched the Scaling Climate-Re...
Blended finance: Paving the way to climate-smart water and sanitation investments
COP 29: Join the conversation on “Catalysing private investments in water and sanitation with climate impact”
Affordable safe drinking water in East Africa: W2AF invests €3 Million in SPOUTS International
New Call for applications for SIINC!
John Nyagwencha, Aqua Clara Kenya: ‘Impact-Linked Finance helps us get where we really want to go, but sometimes don’t manage to’
A Landmark Year
Franchise Impact Solutions Facility Expands Jibu’s Social Franchising Network across East Africa
ILF matching tool
TA for WaterQuip Uganda
Catalysing Access to Pit Latrine Emptying Equipment in East Africa
SIINC TA for TapEffect – ILF for WASH
Efficient Water Distribution Management to Expand Water Access for All in Kenya
Introducing Automatic Stand-pipes and Smartmeters in Burkina Faso and Mali
Viable 24/7 rural water in Uganda
SIINC for Aqua Clara Kenya
SIINC for Jibu
ILF for WASH Foundational Support (IMM+IR) for Aquatech Senegal
Investment strategy Water4-4Ward development Ghana 2023-2027
Sanivation Regional Expansion
WASH SME Accelerator Ghana
HappyTap – Building a market system for hygiene that service low-income communities | Placing the stepping stones from B2B to C
ILF for WASH Foundational Support (IMM) for Tier Data Limited
Clara: Remotely monitored, energy and chemical-independent chlorination system for rural areas
Sanitation Accelerator for Kenya & Uganda
ILF for WASH Foundational Support (IMM) for Elphrods Services LLP
ILF for WASH Foundational Support (IMM + IR) for WE!Hub Victoria Limited
Young Water Fellowship Springboard Bangladesh
LBA WASH loan portfolio – set up and scale up
Accelerate Accelerators: Community of Practice to enhance WASH acceleration efforts
AKYAS Sanitation
Arsenic Poisoning and the 4M’s (Measure-Map-Manage-Mitigate) Pilot study to demonstrate the first rapid, digital, cloud-connected test to measure and map arsenic levels in Bangladesh
Project Maji / IRC : co-creation pilot to accelerate access to water in rural Ghana
PME Performantes SCALE
Solar-Powered Water Supply systems in Uganda – Revised Teaser
Uptime Catalyst Facility: results-based funding for rural water maintenance services
Maji Nyumbani – implementation phase
Solar powered community safe drinking water centers India
Wave Accelerator
Accelerating Rural Water Supply Entrepreneurs in Eastern Africa
Development of a circular economy based on faecal sludge recovery at fecal sludge treatment plants
CBS Carbon credits methodology development
PME Performantes WASH-Climate 2.0
Folia Water – Sales Expansion
Access to safe water creates business opportunity for dairy farmers and cooperatives
Water Supply Sustainability Improvement Programme
Toilet Board Coalition
WASH infrastructure finance specialist for utilities
NBK WASH Financing
Partnership to Launch the Global Credit Enhancement Facility in Kenya
Sarah Kalin’s 4-Year Journey with Aqua for All: Bridging departments and continents
Ms Marcela Perez
Mr Prateesh Prasad
Ms Priscilla Smit
Mr Richard Cozijnsen
Launch of the Hofokam MFI WASH project
Bridging the Gap: Insights from our WASH Learning Event with Fair & Sustainable in Ethiopia
Evenpar and Aqua for All partner to improve access to clean water in South Africa
Blended finance structures can crowd in much-needed resources to close Kenya’s financing gap
International Women’s Day: #InspireInclusion by empowering Women in Water and Sanitation Entrepreneurship
Swiss Fresh Water: Celebrating Milestones in Water Innovation and Accessibility
Empowering Burkina Faso’s water and sanitation enterprises through networking and capacity building
SIINC for WASH: Empowering entrepreneurs to drive social impact
Happy Holidays from Aqua for All
Overcoming risk perceptions in WASH investing
SIED Sarl boosts sanitation solutions by inaugurating a new SANI SHOP in Senegal
Our Annual Report 2022
New partnerships in East Africa to increase access to finance for water and sanitation
Strengthen Swiss Fresh Water’s investment readiness and sustainability
Test and feasibility of modular faecal sludge transfer station for manual pit emptiers in Ouagadougou
A locally and privately managed value chain to treat and value feacal sludges to improve living conditions and protect mangroves from littering in Diembering
Maji safi salama na Nazava – Safe water with Nazava
SS WSP Challenge Fund
Oikocredit Partnership Activities
WASH service at household level through cooperatives in Ethiopia
Progressive Utility Services
MFI support for introduction of financial products for WASH in Amhara, Ethiopia
Safe Water at point of use programme through Aggregator model in Amhara Region
Solar pumping stations for sustainable water services in rural Mali
Pre-Feasibility WASH@Home Programme
Women Business Centres and Innovative Financing for Upland Water Management in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh
Design, Construction, Finance, Operation and Scaling of Textile Water Treatment in Bangladesh – Suspended
Join us at the European Microfinance Week 2023
Empowering Ethiopia’s Future WASH Entrepreneurs: The Wave Accelerator Programme
Our Commitment to Action for a sustainable water and sanitation economy
Training on climate change for financial institutions in East Africa
Cultivating expertise: Marlies Batterink reflects on 10 years at Aqua for All
Making WASH climate smart
Climate-smart funding for water and sanitation providers
Climate-smart funding for water and sanitation providers
Our climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy
Promoting climate resilience through water and sanitation investments
Catalysing climate-smart investments for WASH Aqua for All aims to cat...
Mr Brian Kimemia
Collaborating for change: Reflecting on World Water Week
Meet us at World Water Week!
Meet Aqua for All at World Water Week 2023!
Call for applications: Impact-Linked Loans
ILF for WASH – Impact-Linked Loans
Which enterprises are eligible for an Impact-Linked Loan? Eligible ent...
ILF for WASH: Social Impact Incentives (SIINC)
The application deadline is closed. Keep an eye out on this page and o...
The Challenge Fund is open for applications!
Aqua for All launches the Challenge Fund: A game-changing blended finance structure for small-scale water providers to increase water access in Kenya
From idea to impact: the journey of the Maji solution
Scaling up beyond business growth with a focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation: The ‘PME Performantes 2.0 WASH-Climate Programme’ in Burkina Faso
Our Annual Report 2022: Another year of creating impact and change
PME PERFORMANTES WASH – Pre-scale by ForthInvestment
PuPu commercialisation phase
Uttaran Paani (Uttaran Waters)
First loss capital program for Family Bank
Call for applications: East Africa Rural Water Accelerator
One size does not fit all: Incubating startups in Ethiopia
UN 2023 Water Conference: Many thanks for your contribution!
African Guarantee Fund and Aqua for All partner to increase de-risking opportunities for the water and sanitation sector in Africa
Developing saving and credit products for water and sanitation in Senegal
Technical Assistance alongside Impact-Linked Finance
Savings and Credit Cooperatives will start financing water and sanitation in Kenya
Water Access Acceleration Fund: €36 million committed for safe drinking water
Aqua for All at UN 2023 Water Conference
Interview: Gloria Annor’s journey to leadership
Assess your WASH investments with these indicators
Ms Ingwell Kuil
Mr Leonard Obuna
Mr Joshua Kibet
Mr Ramah Rugut
Mr Simon Cohen
Mr Arnaud Alt
Interview: Aart van den Beukel’s journey with Safisana
Foundational Support Programme
Impact-Linked Finance Readiness Bootcamp
Train-the-Trainer Programme
ILF for WASH – Technical assistance
Sanergy’s sustainable path to profitability
ATEC selected to participate in SIINC for WASH transaction
Rounding off our Jubilee Year – 2022
ASE INFRA – Impact Investment Facility
Amhara Region Filter Programme 2021
Chamroeun TA facility
Emergency approach ICT infrastructure SWM
Flowius Micro-Utility Incubator
Making Water Count Incubator
Total Impact / Jibu
Leveraging rural entrepreneurship to provide access to safe drinking water , India
Staying dynamic: Celebrating Aqua for All’s 20th Anniversary
Four decades of water sector development in Mozambique (Part 2)
Dji Ni Sanya acceleration programme: Strengthening water and sanitation enterprises in Mali
Four decades of water sector development in Mozambique (Part 1)
The urgent need to make water and sanitation services climate smart
Join us at the European Microfinance Week 2022!
Recipe for prosperity: Oikocredit’s Managing Director shares her vision on fostering resilient communities
Mr Owais Shafiq
From source to faucet: KWSH provides safe water to Cambodian rural households
Why invest in WASH? Find the reasons in these publications on WASH and impact investing
Tune in on BNR Nieuwsradio
We are looking for a Senior Water and Sanitation Expert
Urine Re-use for Sunflower Farming and School Wash (URW)
W2AF PRITAP for WaterKiosk Kenya
OUDEC-WASH (Outils d’aide à la décision communale pour la gestion de l’accès à l’eau)
Dji Ni Sanya Programme
SIINC complemented Technical Assistance Support for aQysta
Young Water Fellowship in Bangladesh
Young Wash Connect (YWC) Mali
DGB Plastique Mali – Improved water management for plastic recycling
Woloo – Women’s Powder Room
Ms Annemarie Mastenbroek
Boosted by the WASH Incubator: an Ethiopian entrepreneur on how Aqua for All strengthened his business
Meet Aqua for All at World Water Week 2022
Ms Loes Nijkamp
SIINC for WASH: meet the entrepreneur behind ATEC
Increasing access to safe drinking water in the Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Aqua for All and Family Bank signed a deal focused on community-based water service providers
The COVID-19 Response Facility Report
The COVID-19 Response Facility Report
Introducing Odissi in Senegal: clean water at a press of a button
PuPu pump: pushing for safe sanitation in Burkina Faso
Aqua for All launched a partnership with Oikocredit International
Impact-Linked Fund for WASH: call for applications
Aqua for All and Roots of Impact launched the Impact-Linked Fund for WASH
Annual Report 2021
Impact-Linked Fund for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (ILF for WASH)
Dji Ni Sanya acceleration programme launched in Mali
Aqua for All at the 9th World Water Forum: results and key takeaways
Aqua for All introduces two vacancies in our Finance team
“Access to water is an enabler for the entire international agenda”
SIINC for WASH: meet the entrepreneur behind aQysta
Aqua for All and other Members of The Toilet Board Coalition support businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa on the way to solving a critical gap in the sanitation value chain
Workshop on WASH entrepreneurship in Burkina Faso
Meet Aqua for All at the 9th World Water Forum 2022 in Dakar!
SIINC for WASH: Meet the entrepreneur behind KWSH
Kenyan women in finance: breaking the bias in the water and sanitation economy
Technical Assistance trajectory helps Senegalese MFIs to better understand the WASH sector
Aqua for All at the Biennial Microfinance Conference in Ethiopia
Odissi: safe water kiosks for corner stores in Senegal
SIINC complemented Technical Assistance Support for ATEC*
SIINC for ATEC* Cambodia
Gasia Poa Waste Management Services: adapting operations for vulnerable households
Improving access to drinking water through the rehabilitation and modernisation of manual water pumps in Senegal
Dji ni Mokoya — Togo Tile
The Naivasha Ushirika Water Project
Live Clean Initiative Zambia
Scale access to finance for household sanitation and private water in Senegal (MFI & TA trajectory)
Bulk water supply in coastal Kenya
Structuring waste-to-value projects to enable public investment and city-wide scale
WaterStarters – An initiative of MegaGroup & Amref Ventures
Hygienic and comfortable public toilet experience at bazaars
TsinjoSoa: COVID-19 resilience for sanitation in Antananarivo, Madagascar
COVID-19 second wave Bangladesh- SJP Emergency Fund Response – Eau et Vie
Support for minority women toilet operators during COVID-19 lockdown in Nepal
Emergency COVID-19 response program — Kenya Private School Association
TapEffect: Tap Water Supply, Cambodia
SIINC for KWSH Cambodia
Sanima COVID-19 Emergency Response Peru
Dot Box Conceptional
Unlock access to finance for small-scale water service providers in Kenya
Sarphati Sanitation Challenge and Symposium
One Giant Leap
Bangladesh WASH Innovation Challenge
Project Maji Clusters in rural Kenya
Disruptive Rural Water Management Model for Improved Service Delivery and Sustainable Water Supply
Support of social enterprise in small scale water provision — SANA
DipTop: Use clean water to stop the spread of COVID-19
Maji Buckets handwashing stations in rural Ghana
Eswand WASH Enterprise — COVID-19 Crisis Management
Introducing rent-to-own payment options for water filters
NAWASSCOAL: human waste transformed into fuel
Boya Water Project
DloHaiti: Safe water access through decentralised water enterprises
Spring Health Water India providing disinfectants to the rural people in Odisha
Makutano Borehole SHG initiative to increase water supply in times of need
Sponge Town Nakuru
IW+ Water ATM de-risking via lease finance in Kenya
Our initiatives
Savvyloo Tembisa pilot: Pennine desiccation toilet and waste valorisation system
SIINC for aQysta
RESOB Project (Water Resources in the SOcle of Burkina Faso)
VegiFish: TriMark using treated wastewater for vegetable and fish production in Ghana
Ensuring High Quality Safe Water Services in India
JERRY: a jerrycan water filter
Social Impact Incentives Model for WASH
FINISH Mondial 2021-2025: Local results to achieve global ambitions
Generation Tapwater: Scaling safe and affordable piped water in Bangladesh through a safe water enterprise model
Safisana: Scaling up sustainably in waste management and re-use
District-Wide Safe Water for Wassa East, Ghana
WA-KE UP: Accelerating Water Access in Kenya
Uptime: Piloting results-based funding for rural water maintenance services in Africa
PERFORMING SME Program by ForthInvestment
The Adventure Project COVID Water Relief Match for Uganda
The Adventure Project COVID Water Relief Match for Ghana – Saha Global
Making safe drinking water affordable to low income consumers
Oshun Senegal — scaling social impact and raising awareness
PuPu pump pilot: Improving pit emptying services in Burkina Faso
COVID-19 Eau et Vie Response-Emergency fund – SJP Bangladesh
Supporting SWEEP to adapt and grow during the COVID-19 pandemic
HappyTap handwashing stations: an immediate solution that lasts
Folia Water: assistance to survive and thrive during COVID-19 pandemic
Safe Water Network: resilient and sustainable water supply in Ghana
Women entrepreneur network in informal communities distributing dry toilets by Arrebol Peru
Maji Milele: COVID-19 support for private WSPs and users of prepaid water ATMs
Geoseismic Water Company, Kenya
MoCOMo — Mobile COVID-19 monitoring in sewage for strong cities and regions
JOELEX, Accessible, Water, Sanitation & Showering for All
High-value products derived from black soldier fly larvae raised on human waste
Oshun: decentralised solutions for water and sanitation in Burkina Faso
Preparation Stage Grant for Take a Stake Fund
COVID-19 response loan facility Kenya
Aggregator for filter sales in Amhara Region, Ethiopia
Susamati gap funding: starting the toilet business in Maputo, Mozambique
Technology can offer tremendous added value in solving the water problem
Congratulations to Partners Pays-Dogon for winning The Energy Globe Award!
Climate resilience study shows safe water enterprises are climate change-proof
Promoting financial inclusion in the Senegalese water and sanitation sector
Virtual Roundtable: Increasing access to finance for water & sanitation (WASH) in Bangladesh
Aqua for All joins the Toilet Board Coalition
Bara Wahbeh: water saving and GHG emissions reduction must be monetised
$2 million sale-leaseback facility to finance Jibu’s expansion in East Africa
Meet Aqua for All at the European Microfinance Week 2021
We proudly announce the winner of the Sarphati Sanitation Challenge!
Meet a Sarphati Sanitation Challenge finalist: iThrone
Susamati: innovative sanitation solutions with a local twist
Ready to WA-KE UP: kick-off Business Accelerator Programme in Kenya
Celebrating 40 years in water and development
NBK WASH financing programme launched in Kenya
Uttaran wins the WASH Innovation Challenge in Bangladesh
We proudly present the five Sarphati Sanitation Challenge finalists!
Meet Aqua for All at World Water Week 2021!
aQysta and KWSH selected for SIINC for WASH
We proudly announce the Sarphati Sanitation Challenge Jury!
SIINC for WASH for aQysta
SIINC for WASH: Innovative finance for water and sanitation
Enterprises receiving SIINC for WASH
Timely response, greater impact
We signed a contract with WaterStarters to pilot an innovative WASH model in Kenya
Our innovative and blended finance solutions
Zibdon Eco-Services: la construction des toilettes plus écologique
Mobilising investments for water and sanitation enterprises through carbon credits
Supporting safe water enterprise Oshun in Senegal and Burkina Faso
iFrame voorbeeld
Mr Aarno Keijzer
We selected 10 semi-finalists!
SWEEP: Turning challenges into opportunities for scale in Bangladesh
Annual Report 2020
Our Annual Report 2020: Reflections on an exceptional year
Call for applications: Water and Sanitation Incubation Programme in Ethiopia
Seeking Innovators in Sanitation Entrepreneurship!
Aqua for All supports Project Maji’s ambition to improve rural water economics
Aqua for All and Safisana continue their partnership
The Future of Water
WorldWaterRun – The Ethiopia Edition
My account
3R Deal book ‘Reaching the Millions’
You are invited to be a game changer! Join the #WorldWaterRun!
Call for high potential water, sanitation and IWRM initiatives in Burkina Faso
Training programme for water and sanitation entrepreneurs in Mali
Aqua for All and cewas launch WASH accelerator programme in Kenya
Women entrepreneurs in the water and sanitation sector
Carbon credits: A catalytic instrument for increasing investments in water and sanitation
Improving access to finance for water and sanitation enterprises in Kenya
Ms Randi Käufer
Debre Markos utility increases the coverage of safe water at point of use
Aqua for All’s first mission to Senegal
Invitation for Mali Entrepreneur Training Programme February 2021
Aqua for All is at the European Microfinance Week 2020!
Meet Aqua for All in Senegal from November 10-20
“It’s time to invest in water and sanitation!” – Josien Sluijs
An out-of-the-box approach is needed to tackle the demand for safe water in Bangladesh
Running marathons to cure water blindness – Meet water advocate, Mina Guli
Financing sustainable sanitation solutions in Kenya
Meet the team
Micro grants for water and sanitation start-ups in the Middle East
Fighting sanitation challenges in Kenya during the pandemic: Introducing NAWASSCOAL
Three months later, where do we stand now?
Ms Sarah Kalin
Annual Report 2019
Promotion of handwashing using timely innovations in Bangladesh – Introducing HappyTap
Join the Dutch reception 28 August 13:45 CEST to meet people across the globe in a fun and interactive way.
Online WWWeek Session Recap: ‘Innovative Finance for Scaling Effective SDG 6 Solutions
Our Annual Report 2019 is online!
Online WWWeek Session Recap: Potential of decentralised solutions to address climate change
Check out the overview of our events World Water Week at Home!
Potential of decentralized solutions to address climate change
Call for applications! Social Impact Incentives for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
New water towers with solar-powered pumps in Mali financed by Marie-Stella-Maris Foundation
Save the date and join us for World Water Week at Home!
Improving the resilience of water and sanitation services in Kenya by partnering with the private sector
Safeguarding access to water and sanitation requires immediate action
“Access to funds can make all the difference”- Financing water supply in Ethiopia
Are you Aqua for All’s new Communications Intern?
FINISH Mondial
“My home office is a call centre” – Building partnerships during Kenya’s lockdown
Safeguarding access to water in times of COVID-19
Sarphati Sanitation Challenge 2021
Ms Leandra Roller
Ms Blanca Méndez
Fighting Corona: structural changes are needed more than ever
New M4DU report: “Digital Solutions for the Urban Poor”
iW+ partnership for safe water awarded by P4G
Mr Gashaye Chekol Yihunie
Towards a sustainable household water filter supply in Ethiopia
We received 27 teasers so far!
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VIA Water
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Ms Janine de Laat
Landing Innovator
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Carbon credits: A catalytic instrument for increasing investments in water and sanitation
About the initiative
Susamati: Nr 2 in the Climate Launchpad Challenge
VIA Water partner Manuel Gungulo’s great success with start-up in Moza...
Mr Dick Bouman
Ms Josien Sluijs
NOEVA: HydroGeophysics in Benin’s coastal zone
About the initiative
Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage
About the initiative
Using fish production revenues to improve sanitation
Invest in water and sanitation
Our innovative and blended finance solutions Aqua for All uses grants...
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