Climate-smart funding for water and sanitation providers - Aqua for All

Climate-smart funding for water and sanitation providers

Aqua for All directly supports water and sanitation small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to grow and increase their impact through grants and accelerator programmes. Climate considerations are integrated into the processes used to support SMEs. As a first step, emissions and climate risks are assessed alongside the business model. Where necessary, adaptation or mitigation activities are designed, financed and implemented alongside other business activities. Climate impacts achieved through this support are included in our monitoring system.

Planning ahead and assessing emerging climate risks as part of the business planning and in line with basin resilience plans will ensure water security in the future. Many water and sanitation SMEs do not need to implement extra adaptation and mitigation measures as they already operate in a climate-smart way. However, our funding processes verify if this is the case and promote climate action where it is needed.

By mainstreaming climate change considerations into our SME support, we contribute to building a more resilient water and sanitation economy.