Promoting climate resilience through water and sanitation investments - Aqua for All

Catalysing climate-smart investments for WASH


Aqua for All aims to catalyse public and private investments in water and sanitation that contribute to improving climate resilience and reduce emissions. In partnership with local financial institutions (FIs), we develop loan portfolios for water and sanitation small and medium enterprises (SMEs). We contribute with de-risking, technical support and incentives. These partnerships generate climate impacts indirectly, through the loans and processes that they support.

In each partnership, Aqua for All tailors its approach to the needs of the financial institution. We include climate considerations and support in the form of:

  • Training and capacity building for financial institutions’ staff on the relationship between climate and water and sanitation
  • Support in developing processes to identify the exposure of water and sanitation portfolios to climate risks
  • Integration of climate considerations into processes e.g. due diligence templates and monitoring and evaluation.