The concept
The Household Water Treatment & Safe Storage (HWTS) initiative wants to increase access to clean drinking water by using household water filters.
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About the initiative
Providing clean water at the point of use – for example, in households – is the best way to ensure access to clean water. Household filters can make a real difference among underserved population. Household water filters have a huge potential for penetrating local markets.
The HWTS pilot offers people without access to clean water the opportunity to buy household filters.
The utility staff in Finote Selam, Ethiopia, is implementing this pilot. The aim is to increase the sustained use of household filters by at least 25% of Finote Selam’s population.

Key outcomes
Reduced waterborne diseases like diarrhea. They cause 2.2 million deaths in Ethiopia every year.
3,850 household water filters sold
19,250 people has gained access to safe water at home.