Mr Joshua Kibet - Aqua for All

Mr Joshua Kibet


Joshua Kibet is a WASH Finance Manager East Africa and Ethiopia at Aqua for All.

Joshua has 20 years of experience in finance and enterprise development in Water and Sanitation, Renewable Energy and Agriculture sectors in Kenya and East Africa. He holds an MSc in Financial Economics. At Aqua for All, he is responsible for upstream work in WASH sector in-country; which includes initiating programmes and partnerships, coordinating blended finance structures with local financial providers, and managing relationships with partners such as government agencies, banks and SMEs.

Joshua provides specialised project finance advisory services to innovative finance programmes designed by donors or DFIs to unlock private finance for small and medium-sized infrastructure projects for WASH.

As a consultant for the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Programme (WSP-Africa) and the global programme on output based aid, he was involved in the implementation of the first results-based infrastructure finance lending programme for community water schemes in partnership with a local bank in Kenya.

His recent work for the USAID funded KIWASH programme in Kenya, involved the designing of a micro-finance programme for rural sanitation enterprises to support the construction of improved toilets in post-ODF communities. Joshua has also provided advice to governments and government agencies in preparation and structuring of other innovative finance initiatives. He supported the Government of Uganda in assessing the feasibility and conceptualising an output financing programme for solar-powered rural schemes in small towns and this resulted in similar initiatives in Tanzania.