What topics are you working on and/or do you have experience with?
global energy transition; fossil fuels; renewable energy challenges and opportunities; geoscience; geomodelling; uncertainty analysis;
Climate change; Coastal Zone Management; sea level rise; hurricanes; mangroves; remote sensing; tropical marine ecosystemsWhat are you looking for in the VIA Water Community (partners, skills, advice, knowledge, etc)?
I have a great desire to learn and continuously expand my knowledge. I am looking to hear and learn about all the great, innovative ideas that you are able to initiate through VIA Water funding. Ideas that provide solutions for urban water issues, but that could also be extrapolated to other sectors that need innovative ideas (for instance, the Energy Sector)What knowledge, expertise, skills do you have to offer?
I have a proven track record of successful R&D fundraising, so maybe I can help you with your VIA Water proposal writing.
I have almost ten years of experience in the corporate sector (oil and gas), so I have some general useful knowledge on project management, contracting and procurement, stakeholder management, planning etc.
I am growing my knowledge on renewables, international energy issues and sustainable development.
And....if you want to know anything about coastal systems and tropical marine wetlands, let me know!