The Missing Link in Sanitation...
1.9 million people live in Maputo, 89% rely on on-site systems for sanitation services. This means that the toilets are not connecting to a sewage system, and the faecal sludge needs a different way of transport.
6 October 2015 -
News article
8 finalists for Benin Accelerateur announced
Learning Tour in April will bring participants together
24 March 2016 -
Programme d'Eau Benin 2016
Ce programme s’inscrit dans le cadre de la coopération bilatérale entre le...
8 February 2017 -
News article
Water hyacinth project Benin visualised
Cartoon on the Green Keeper Africa project
23 March 2017 -
News article
19th African Water Association Congress
Call for papers now open until 15 June! AfWA Congress will take place on 02-2018 in Bamako
4 May 2017