Project Results: 

A summary of this project will follow soon.


Kumasi, Ghana


NHance Development Partners was supported by VIAWater to implement the first of a three-stage project aimed at developing a wastewater recycling system for car washing stations in Ghana. The first stage was a pre-stage phase and provided the opportunity to gather extensive field data on inflow water and wastewater characteristics at car washing stations. Eventually, two bench scale wastewater recycling systems were developed and tested which showed promising results. This phase of the project seeks to further refine the technologies and test it at a car washing station. Currently, a third benchscale technology has been developed and undergoing trials at the laboratory.

Project Plan

Per the project plan, bench scale trials of new prototypes are expected to be completed in the first three months of the project and shared with stakeholders. Subsequently, the system will be piloted in two car washing stations in Kumasi over a period of 6 months to monitor its performance. This will be done alongside a comprehensive market survey and business planning. In the last month of the project, stakeholder presentations will be organised to share findings from field pilot tests.

Target group

This project will be useful to the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana in their quest to crack down on environmental pollution. the Water Resources Commission will also benefit from such a project since they are in charge of regulating water abstraction. Owners of car washing stations would also benefit from this project since there are potential cost savings associated with recycling wastewater.


To ensure sustainability of the project, discussions will be held with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly to give tax reduction for those car washing stations that adopt the system. At the national level, discussions on this will include the new Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources in Ghana for the promotion of such as system. The resulting sludge from the system will be treated through a natural means to protect the environment. Possibility of renting out the technology to car wash stations for a monthly fee or outright sale of technology for monthly operation and maintenance fee will be examined during market surveys.

Overview of Goals

The goals of the project are to:
-Redesign and trial the current bench scale technology
-Pilot an improved wastewater recycling technology in two car washing stations in Kumasi
-Develop a business plan through comprehensive market surveys

Results and indicators