Final VIA Water Workshop Session


Hello Everyone!

First of  all, I would like to share the final VIA Water Workshop Session and then my overall impression of the programme with you. In this final workshop session, Acro Van Toorn from Acqua for All simplified the theory of change, a concept I was grappling to understand. In his presentation, he explained the  theory of change using the various innovations of fellow participants at t as examples. Using my own innovation-Developing Effective Feedback and Reporting System for improved water supply- Acro mentioned the main output would be the App created, Leakage messaging Platform established,  water consumers trained and social marketing done. Consumers reporting leakages, active use of the platform as well as well  a performing water utility would be the outcome of my innovation. On the impacts, he mentioned reduction of non-revenue water, improved financial position as well as consumers getting uninterupted supply of water. The explanation provided to me by Acro has increased my understanding of the theory of change.

Following the discussions on the theory of change, the rest of the workshop was dedicted to risk management. During the discussions, fellow participants were asked to share the risk they have identified in relation to their innovation, and the mitigation strategies that will be applied using the FIETS sustainability criteria. The discussions on risk management was useful since participants were able to identify the type of risk, chance of risk, impact as well as mitigations strategies to apply to their innovations.

On  my overall impression about the programme, I can say that I have really gained valuable knowledge over the last six weeks. Through this programme, I have been able to exchange my ideas by learning from the experience of experts and my fellow participants. I am delighted about the great quality feedback I received on my draft proposal. And also, the insight and perspectives of fellow participants is helping me to fine tune my final proposal. I believe that learning is a process that never ends. There will be always something more to learn. There will be always something more to learn from this community. I am really honoured to have spent this last  six weeks with you.

Thank you VIA Water for supporting this accelerator programme. I recommend you run this programme again in future.

Best Wishes,
