Field Test Kick-off in Moamba (Mozambique)


After careful preparation in the office, MWM & COLLINS performed their first field tests in Moamba city. The five water meter readers (Irculano, Mercilda, Catharina, Emelina and Salomao) were instructed on how to use a smart phone with the MWM-app to register a water meter reading.

Throughout the day more then 200 photos were collected. In the coming six days they will register another 2200 water meters. All the photos will be used to improve the accuracy of the computer vision software. In addition the feed back of the meter readers about the MWM app will be used as an important input for improvements in close cooperation with BopInc Innovations.

It was great to see the motivation and enthusiasm with which these men and women started off, running from meter to meter to take photos. They strongly feel this app can make their work easier and are proud to be the first ones in the world to use smart phones to register water meters.