Everyone working on a project will encounter unwanted, negative influences somewhere in the implementation phase. They can be small or big and sometimes it means that you have to adapt your planning or delay your project.
We ask you to take a moment and think of the risks your proposed VIA Water project is facing and consider if it is possible to adjust the process or mitigate the negative influence to reduce its impact.
We do not ask you to identify every possible risk but to come up with the 2 risks that are most likely to occur. Find out what you can do to reduce the negative impact on your project. This will help you in the project implementation – when something happens you will be ready to act.
Below you will find the document with the explanation of the type of risks, a schedule that will help you identify risks and a step by step explanation on how to analyse the potential risks.
via_water_-_risk_management.pdf(447.48 KB)