Water Kiosk Booth in Stockholm at World Water Week


Demo of Point of Sale system

We had a great week at World Water Week the last week of August. We setup a booth that was meant to simulate a functioning water kiosk. We wanted to show delegates what a Safe Water Enterprise (SWE) really is, and so we built a functioning one in our booth! We were pleasantly surprised by the positive responses – many did not know what a SWE was and the booth really helped them understand the big picture as well as the details.

We also had a chance to demo at the booth many of the systems we are developing under SEMA (System for Emerging Market Analysis), our open-source project under VIA Water!

Vi Nguyen's picture

Thanks for sharing this Jim! Great to hear you could showcase your open-source SEMA platform at World Water Week. Did you receive any valuable feedback from delegates that you can use to integrate into the SEMA platform?