Stockist Market Activation in Nakuru's Low Income Areas


Area CHV convinces customer to buy MakaaDotcom

Market activations were organised to create awareness about MakaaDotcom and introduce and promote the area stockists in Buruburu, Manyani, Kivumbini 1, 2 and 3.

Activities of the day included: A demonstration on use of MakaaDotcom, area residents are educated on the production process and get an opportunity to express their concerns. A variety of cook stoves are lit and used for boiling green maize, barbecuing sausages to demonstrate product compatibility with various cook stoves and grills. Participants taste sausages and green maize cooked using the product.

Area Community Health Volunteers who are engaged as sales assistants conduct door to door marketing educating residents on product ingredients, processes, use and benefits. Customers are convinced to buy the product and referred to the area stockists for future local access to the product. The area stockists receive weekly stock to ensure availability.

Vi Nguyen's picture

Great work here in raising awareness about MakaaDotcom, especially in using the sausages and green maize!