Sponge City Kajiado: center of attraction during the Kajiado Maji Awards.


The Ministry of Water and Irrigation organized the 2nd Kajiado Maji Awards to reward and motivate the best managed community water projects. Neighbours Initiative Alliance (NIA) had a booth mainly to sensitize people about Sponge City Kajiado project. The Governor of Kajiado County, His Excellency Hon. Dr. David Nkedianye and the Minister for Water and Irrigation Hon. Jeremiah Nairowua visited the NIA stand. Other dignitaries who visited the stand included the Director for Water and Irrigation and the Chief Officer for Water and Irrigation among others. The Governor requested for a presentation on the Sponge City Project to him and his officers during the last week of May 2017. Of the private entities who visited the stand, the proprietor of Tumaini Gardens, a luxury hotel on the outskirts of Kajiado town expressed interest in partnering with the project team to implement the beautification component of the Sponge City Project. 

Samwel Jakinda's picture

Sponge City Kajiado is the talk of Kajiado Town. 

Dick Bouman's picture

Dear Samwel, very nice to read about the raised attention for the project and it's aspirations. Both government and private interests; that's giving a good potential for shared responsibilty. Thanks for sharing The Talk of the Town. 
