Refining scope


In order to improve drought detection, we use multiple datasources in order to
1. refine existing existing drought model based on extra historic data
2. install a drought detection mechanism based on changes in realtime drought forecasts

With the last mission to Mali in March/April, together with the new project member Mali Meteo we itterated more on the scope of the project, which now consists of two parts:
The Operational Product 1 (OP1) consist of the delivering of Event Characteristics of new events (incl. Location & Time) for three different sources. Therefore OP1 consist of three sub-products:

1 - Events in online media monitoring (analyzing news websites)
2 - Events in remote sensing (satellite data for both floods and drought)
3 - Events in active Reporting (enhanced data gathering by observers)
a. Content contributed by on-the-ground observers/members at a given flood/drought event
b. Improved weather data input from other sources

The Operational Product 2 (OP2) consists of a SAAS product that is a combination of
1. Critical Event Detector (analyzed combination of the three OP1 sub-products and forming a model of detected events in an Critical Event Detector)
2. Saas platform for offering web services to external organisations