Reduction of smell and reduction of volume of faecal sludge: is it really possible?


Field research on the bio‐additive called LICE shows that is able to reduce smell and to reduce volume of faecal sludge. The CEO of the producer of LICE (BCI Environment) Christophe Grange, claims that LICE works so good because: (1) The Co/lice contains selected natural microorganisms (10^6 to 10^12 CFUs) seeded in a mineral absorbent’s internal cavities: Zeolite; (2) The Zeolite protect the exogenous microorganisms (as a shell) from the endogenous brought with the faecal organic matter, with which they are in a competition to take over; (3) The Zeolite can absorb up to 40% compared with its initial volume without disturbing its internals cellular walls (4) The Zeolite thus works like a vacuum cleaner in constant mode and attracts pathogens and organic material to break down completely; and (5) When the Co/Lice is setup at the start of a latrine, the exogenous are in higher number, take the place from the endogenous and block the sludge accumulation. 

Christophe is now looking for partners to use the product on an wider scale. Interested? Contact:, 56 rue de Monthoux 1201 Genève, Tél. :  +41 79 101 01 37

