Re-sable sanitary Pads changes lives of teenangers and Teachers in Baringo


Re-usable Sani-pad from SHM project

It was an Idea, led to a project and now impacting on the lives of teenage girls and female teachers in Rural school in Baringo; Women Development Center is now implementing through a pilot project supported by Via Water a life-changing project that has currently employed over 10 poor women (in production section and 3 others as administrators. This is all because of the value for a re-usable sanitary ware for girls and women,
We have traversed 4 Counties; Elgeiyo Marakwet, Baringo Nandi and Uasin-Gishu sampling and testing of this valuable product and the good news today is that we have received tremendous acceptance, promises for support, partnerships and compliments from Menstrual Hygiene Management project. Thanks to VIA WATER !!

Friso Vos de Wael's picture

Great to hear about the acceptance of the product. 

Could you tell a bit more what created this acceptance? Why is your customer so enthusiastic? Is it because of the price? Because of the sustainability? What was the alternative and what makes your product - from the viewpoint of your customer - better than the alternative?