Kim & Anne posing with some of Sponge City Kajiado Problems
Anne & Kim, Engineering students at Rotterdam University college alongside students of Maasai Technical Training Institute have completed the task of further designing and measuring the proposed infrastructure for the Sponge City Kajiado Project. Their task included detailed surveys, proposals on how to cheaply store a lot of runoff water with maps and relevant calculations. They have the leeway to be innovative. Their work will be reviewed by the project consortium members and presented to the County Technical Committee on Sponge City Kajiado Project on 8th December 2018 for further review and validation. This will give way for the Implementation phase of a five step plan that involved definition of the problem, testing for solutions, planning, implementation and finally research and dissemination.
Dear Samwel , Niels and Maarten
I'm curious about the Student's findings. Is a report available? Our geophysics in February 2017 didn't give us much hope to get a good infiltration capacity in the urbanized Kajido area. So i'm particularly interested in new ideas on how to get the rainwater down. We found though 2 interesting locations that seem to have infiltration capacity: the runoff Gulley C and the 'shallow wells' in the Okajuado River. My Feb2017 survey report is available to any of you.
Siku NJema Harry