NAWASSCOAL selected as one of the 25 nominees Postcode Lottery Green Challenge


NAWASSCOAL nominated
Video credit: Postcode Lottery

Postcode Lottery Green Challenge Website 2018

NAWASSCOAL Ltd., as the subsidiary company of the Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services Company Ltd. (NAWASSCO), has been selected as one of the 25 nominees for Postcode Lottery Green Challenge 2018.

As a result of the sanitation value chain programme of the Nakuru Water and Sanitation Services Co. Ltd (NAWASSCO) in Kenya, capturing and reusing human waste for the production of biomass fuel has been identified as a commercially viable and environmentally-friendly enterprise.

Haphazard disposal of human waste is a challenge in Kenya, leading to an increase in disease. NAWASSCO collects the human waste from pit latrines and septic tanks and transports it to a wastewater treatment plant where the production of round briquettes takes place.

Before the briquettes find their way into Nakuru’s households, they undergo processes to ensure they are free from harmful pathogens that could cause diseases and are safe to use. The briquettes are then used as an alternative source of biomass fuels.

Through production and sales of human waste based briquettes the company will reduce deforestation and sanitation-related challenges. If more companies and governments get involved, not only will sanitation and environmental conditions be improved through the proper management of waste, it may also generate income for unemployed youths in the country while providing a clean and affordable source of fuel for large populations.

For more information, visit

Karin van der Weerd's picture

Congratulations Reinilde, good luck!


Vi Nguyen's picture

Fantastic news. Best of luck and keep us updated on what happens!