Mali : Akvo Caddisfly for Drinking Water testing, 1st time ever


VIA WATER financed an interesting set up in joint venture by SOMAGEP-SA (Malian Drinking Water Public Company), Waternet and Akvo. The project is about geolocating water quality and speeding up nonconformity treatment process, here is activities chronogram so far:

-Akvo training for SOMAGEP-SA staff: Administrators (Survey design, online data management, dashboard), enumerators (data collection, water testing testing on the field with Akvo Caddisfly)
-Benchmarking in the Netherlands: Amsterdam International Water Week, field visits (Waternet, HLW laboratory, Waterproef laboratory, sewage treatment plant).
-Official launching of the project: presentation of the project and implementation of the observations of water stakeholders at the national level (LNE, DNH, ASCOMA, etc.)
- 1st round data collection in Mali (14 urban cities)
-VIA WATER CAFE 1 & 2 : Hub of VIA WATER projects in Mali
-Visit of Waternet Expert in SOMAGEP-SA (Mali) to reflect on local procedures (SOPs) as well as data
-Akvo Lumen workshop:  data transformation, analysis, and visualisation tool in other words "make sense of our data"
==> Results are surprisingly different from the laboratory: StripTests are for screening besides some testing technics are also different = Challenge ==> This issue will be solve by providing a more suitable set of hardware for drinking  water. Akvo tools are performing beautifully for raw water and Standards (TU Delft research) but it seems that drinking water matrix is another kettle of fish. 

- 2nd round data collection after implementing findings
-Data sharing -->sample :