Introducing Adrien Couton


Adrien Couton

We are pleased to introduce Adrien Couton who will be leading the assessment of the potential impact and sustainability of Mobile IT for Safe Water Enterprise (SWE) operations.

Adrien was previously a partner Dalberg Global Development Advisors where he setup and led their water and sanitation practice. Prior to that, he was the CEO of Naandi [](url), a Safe Water Enterprise in operation since 2005 with hundreds of stations in India. He was also a Global Portfolio Manager at Acumen where he managed their investments in Water.

His study will specifically address two key questions:
1. How can mobile IT systems help SWE scale their operations?
2. How can an ecosystem of service providers develop to support mobile IT systems for SWEs?

More about Adrien at his linkedin profile: [](url)

Vi Nguyen's picture

Welcome to the team Adrien! Thanks for sharing this - I'm very curious to learn more about the potential impact and sustainability of the project. I assume this assessment will be based on the mobile IT platform currently being piloted with SWEs in Rwanda and Ghana - can you update us briefly on how this piloting phase is going?