Getting the numbers right: Training on Finance


EnterWASH participant Senam brought along her products to the training

MDF WA and FARIAD organised additional training on finance on 17th and 24th September 2016 at the MDF WA office, Accra. The training was delivered by Japhet Duga (FARIAD) and supported by Joseph Agbeko (FARIAD) and aimed at supporting EnterWASH entrepreneurs further in understanding the financial side of their business. Finance is one of the topics that EnterWASH entrepreneurs need most support with. In addition to training, the starting entrepreneurs also engage their mentors to receive financial advice.

The training covered the following topics: cash flow plan, cash flow statement, income statement, cost determination, product pricing and budget preparation. The training was very practical and this was made evident through group tasks and exercises using their own businesses as case studies. The finance training will help EnterWASH participants in their business implementation. The finance training served as a good basis in preparation for their crowdfunding campaigns, for which they’ll be trained in the coming month.

If you have successfully run a crowdfunding campaign, we would like to hear from you. Please contact us at