Exploring Increased Coverage Through Landlord Cost-Share


A landlord in Kasarani discusses joint financing for BlueBox with us

Sanivation has been working with landlords and tenants to find a sustainable financing option. Right now, our customers in Karagita pay the full subscription price of the BlueBox toilet. However, this leaves many of the most vulnerable people unable to access BlueBox, even if they would like to. Furthermore, while the owner of the BlueBox benefits through increased health, safety, and dignity, landlords in plots where residents use BlueBox also benefit because they have a reduced strain put upon their pit latrine. In areas like Kasarani where rocky soils mean that pit latrines have to be redug or exhausted every 2-3 years, the cost of pit latrines can easily surpass $250/year over their short lifetimes.
After talking to many residents and landlords, Sanivation is evaluating a joint-payment program, in which landlords increase rent in order to provide a BlueBox for each resident who wants one. The net cost to the landlord remains the same as with the pit latrine, and residents enjoy the benefits of improved sanitation. Although we’ve yet to finalize the model, landlords who are currently out of space to dig are eager to try the new solution, and tenants are excited by the reduced price toilet.