development of a curriculum concerning water, sanitation and hygiene.


The context:
The Women Vocational Training Centre in Bandiagara-Mali organizes education for girls and women in alphabetization,  technical and vocational training. With basic facilities in education on water, sanitation and hygiene.That means that VAM is concerned inFundraising for course development of the school among other things: the dry toilets and water facilities
Developing the program of the school
Training on water, sanitation and hygiene; VAM will assist in developing an instrument/ an integrated school program on water, sanitation and hygiene.
Objectives of this Capacity Development activity
Main objectives:
-The main goal of the women vocational Centre is that girls and women get a better social — economic position by training and coaching to find work
-The school is also a chance to contribute of the consciousness of the influence of clean water and sanitation on the whole community ( for themselves and their families)
-Developing this instrument for an integrated program on these themes means for VAM also strengthening her method/skills in other projects
-Develop local skills on capacity development, fundraising and project management
The content of the Capacity Development activity
making applicable the method of training and coaching, specific for adult women in Mali with the basic facilities in water, sanitation and hygiene developing a measure made training program together with the local teachers: how to integrate the training on water, sanitation and hygiene for girls and women in technical and vocational training in general
make a measure made model that can be part of the total program
developing a measure made coaching program for the team of the school to make them feel responsible for the content and financially sustainability.

M Veth's picture

 VAM asks you to help with the development of a curriculum concerning water, sanitation and hygiene.

Thank you in advance,

Marie-Antoinette de Veth, member of the board of VAM


VAM is involved in the developing of the program of the women vocational school in Bandiagara - Mali.

Every pupil is obliged to follow also the modules: water, hygiene and sanitation.

Now I am collecting material/experiences for developing a curriculum concerning water, sanitation and hygiene to make it applicable for the women vocational school.

So I want to ask you members of the community of VIA.Water and other partners if they have this material.

I intend to go to Mali, this summer, to work with the manager and teachers of the school, so it would be fine if I can receive the material and experiences of others.